Benchmark Search Group

Build Your Team

We’re headhunters. We identify & deliver what you’re looking for.

We Think Differently

You specialize in your craft  –  not in talent acquisition – but someone has to do it.  You know what skills your team needs, and a resume can tell you that much.

What about everything that’s not in the resume – i.e: the important stuff? Cultural congruence, personality type, intrinsic motivations, morality – among other things – can only be determined through a long and meaningful conversation.

As you know, there’s a massive shortage of talent in construction. Trades to management. Your perfect candidate is out there – but they aren’t likely to apply for jobs. They are out doing what they do best.

We go find them.

Talent Construction Fort Collins

We work with organizations that:

Value feedback

Connect us directly with the hiring manager

Make time for a site visit and intake call - in person

Want a talent partner, not a staffing vendor

Benchmark Talent Agency


After 25 years of refining our craft locally – it became clear our process was unique. Our competitors would probably even tell us our model is inefficient – turns out that’s where the value is.

Ever worked with a recruiter who sent you wastewater design engineers for your commercial super opening? They probably don’t mean to – there are just too many cooks in the kitchen.

We rehumanize the search experience by refusing to rely on outsourced shortcuts.

Build your Bench | Make Your Mark

We keep everything in house. We believe in taking the road less traveled. The talent manager you meet with in your intake call is the same person facilitating every step of the search process.